COVID-19 / Passover Emergency Appeal

For the first time in over 75 years, David may not have a Passover meal.

That’s not his real name–I’ve changed all the names in this letter to protect their privacy—but I have not changed the facts: He is elderly, he is frail, he is scared to leave his home due to COVID-19, he is poor, and Passover is important to him.

Menashe and his brother are young and impressionable–too young for Passover to become meaningful in their lives. A traditional Passover Seder has always been very profound for their mother. This year, however, she lost her job due to COVID-19 and is too poor. 

Rachel is an elderly widow. She was evicted from her apartment but her new place costs more. She receives Social Security, but it’s not enough. She may not have adequate Passover meals this year.

I’m writing to you today because small actions, when combined, can have big impacts. When kind-hearted individuals like you donate toward Passover food vouchers, David, Menashe’s mother, Rachel, and many others like them can buy what they need for Passover.

Each food voucher costs at least $100, but every donation helps.

A donation of $30 for matzahs, added to someone’s donation of $25 for kosher chickens, added to someone else’s donation of $45 for wine, grape juice, potatoes, eggs, macaroons quickly adds up to $100. In short, the more food vouchers we can purchase, the more people we can help. It’s that simple.

This year, when the generosity of people like you was combined with the kindness of others, we aim to:

  • Deliver 800 packages containing kosher foods for Passover (each one home-delivered to a frail, low-income elderly individual or family)
  • Provide food vouchers (of up to $300, depending on family size) for 1,223 indigent beneficiaries (residing in communities such as Coney Island, Sea Gate, Brighton Beach, Crown Heights, Borough Park, Flatbush and additional other neighborhoods) to redeem at local stores

Due to the COVID-19 health crisis, many more families have requested (and truly deserve) our assistance this year. With your help, we will come through again for our vulnerable neighbors.

Please–for the sake of David and many others–go to

Or if you prefer, mail a check addressed to JCCGCI to 3001 West 37th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11224.

We are grateful for your help in whatever form you choose to give it.

To donate go to: or click here:


On behalf of the poor families and elderly individuals you will be assisting, I thank you. Your generosity surely means that you and those dear to you will be blessed with a joyous Passover


Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island (JCCGCI) is a community-based organization with a citywide scope, providing a wide-spectrum of senior citizen, vocational, educational, crime-reduction, community revitalization and related services benefiting all segments of the population. JCCGCI is also a technical assistance provider, offering capacity building services to nonprofits in all five boroughs through its NonProfit HelpDesk division ( With 35 program sites throughout New York City staffed by almost 350 social service professionals, JCCGCI assists an average of upwards of 2,500 needy individuals and families each day.